
2 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast No 2: will Pri0r1ty be the final downfall of the two fatties: Cornish & Lenigas

I muse on St Patrick's Day then look at Powerhouse (PHE), Argo Blockchain (ARB), Qinetiq (QQ) and defence stocks, Predator Oil & Gas (PRD), Oncimmune (ONC) and its scandalous pre bankruptcy placing and, finally, Pri0r1ty (PR1).

9 days ago

Death by a thousand cuts c/o Monkey, Fatty & (Cock) Roach

Oh dear, oh dear as disgraced ex tipster Mike Walters used to write when another one of his disastrous share tips went wrong. For over at Premier African Minerals (PREM) a dream team of CEO George (Cock)Roach, London’s worst Nomad Roland fatty Cornish and its most conceited broker Andrew Monk, really have screwed things up.


14 days ago

BREAKING: David Lenigas promoted AI spoof Pri0r1ty Intelligence spoofs yet again: this is amateurish

I warned folks about the Lenigas ramping and the crazy valuation when London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish brought AI joke Pri01ty Intelligence (PR1) to the AIM sewer on December 31 at 13.5p. The shares are 4p today.

21 days ago

To lose one CEO is understandable but two looks like carelessness from Cleantech Lithium

You want the bad news, the other bad news or the old but still very bad news first?

34 days ago

EXPOSE £3m white collar crime does pay big time, at least at Cleantech Lithium

With the connivance of London’s worst Nomad, Mr. Roland “fatty” Cornish the former CEO of Cleantech Lithium (CTL) Mr. Aldo Boitano has made out like a bandit, breaking listing rules and without suffering any financial consequence. Today he gets a bonus as the company also announced a bailout placing raising £2.4 million at 16p. Remember that price. This just stinks as does the cover-up of how Aldo has been protected from loss while banking £3 million dumping shares.


54 days ago

A Letter to Roland “fatty” Cornish: how can you sign off on such utter misrepresentation?

As he ponders whether to have 8 or 9 courses for his Friday Luncheon, I have sent a letter to London’s most corpulent and worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish about his client PriOr1ty Intelligence (PR1), a worthless promote where surely even Fatty must concede he has been legged over.

90 days ago

Has Adam Reynolds got one more present from Belluscura for Evil Banksta before Christmas?

Evil Banksta keeps sending me pictures of the enormous City Christmas lunches which he attends on a daily basis. At this rate his girth will soon be surpassing that of London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish. But will his New Year fine dining be subsidized, yet again, by Adam Reynolds and Belluscura (BELL), the gift that never stops giving to short sellers?


169 days ago

Vast Resources – if only it was not for the entrée of Galician style octopus

About an hour ago London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish waddled off to his favourite restaurant thinking about an entrée of Galician Style Octopus and the seven courses that were to follow. Octopus or Spotted Dick with lashings of custard, it was hard to know which he looked forward to most. As he trundled along that problem was one that he wrestled with. He did not think about his client Vast Resources (VAST). The Octopus was more important.

259 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: gold dips, bitcoin surges, what is going on?

In today’s podcast I discuss: gold, bitcoin, Argo Blockchain (ARB) and why it is still burning cash, FCA failings, statements needed from Chill Brands (CHLL) and Supply@ME Capital (SYME) and the latest shocker from Vast Resources (VAST), Roland “fatty” Cornish and his pal the sex therapist.


261 days ago

Told y’all: Vast Resources, the pride of "Fatty", MINUS 99.99999% from peak, yet another share consolidation and yet another cash crisis

This is like groundhog day. The last 100 for 1 share consolidation was just 32 months ago when, laughably, dumb shareholders were told it was needed to allow dividend payments. But, no dividends and numerous placings later, Vast has again run out of cash and again its shares have slumped below the 0.1p par value. Its groundhog day!


261 days ago

Xtract Resources is running on fumes, shares sliding ever faster: statement re placing needed

I flagged this up in bearcast last week but the silence from Colin Bird’s Xtract Resources (XTR), London’s worst Nomad “Roland “fatty” Cornish and scumbag broker, the king of the spivs, Jon Bellis at bucket shop Novum is deafening. Shares in this perennial penny dreadful are now just 0.95p and sliding fast.


319 days ago

Vast Resources: barefaced lying sanctioned by "Fatty" as it places yet again

This was the company that said it needed to do a 100 for 1 share consolidation so that it could pay a dividend. Natch it has not paid a dividend in the 33 months since but has placed numerous times and its shares have now collapsed by 98% since the consolidation having been 99% down before it. The management of Vast Resources (VAST) are simply liars. Today the company is exposed again in the most blatant way. Why on earth the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation and hapless Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish do not come on this farce defies belied. Wind back to 6 October and a placing to raise £1,819,350 at 0.195p. The company stated:


344 days ago

Online Blockchain due to be booted off the AIM sewer tomorrow morning (or is it tonight?): any news Clem Chambers?

Old Clem Chambers, formerly of ADVFN (AFN) expenses and payoff infamy, has yet to reveal why London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish resigned from representing Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect on 4th December. The RNS announcing this was posted on the 5th first thing so shouldn’t Clem give us an update on the impending expulsion from the sewer?


373 days ago

Clem Chambers & Online Blockchain: when Roland “Fatty” Cornish quits as a Nomad things must be dire

Do not let the friends of Clem Chambers spin this as good news. The esteemed firm of Beaumont Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, has today parted company with Online Blockchain (OBC) with immediate effect. Online’s shares have been suspended and if a replacement Nomad (and broker) cannot be found within a month the shares will be slung off the AIM sewer.


491 days ago

Vast Resources – the latest bad news really is a fair Cheryl Cole analogy

Vast Resources (VAST) says that it is “pleased” to announce what turns out to be bad news. I imagine that London’s worst Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish signed off on that particular gem well into Friday’s 15 course lunchtime feast. This is all to do with those diamonds locked up in the central bank in Zimbabwe which Vast said back in February would soon be recovered, promoting a massive share price ramp enabling some bailout placings. So, what is the news from Harare?


589 days ago

The greed of Roland Fatty Cornish – annual accounts out from London's worst Nomad

London’s worst Nomad, Beaumont Cornish acts for dreadful small cap stocks that nobody would miss if they went bust. The frauds it has given a clean pass to are manifest, Johnny Hon’s Global Group to New World Oil & Gas, Daniel Stewart the list goes on and on. Its report for calendar 2022 is out and the word that screams out at you is GREEDThis is more shocking than the penury of Turner Pope exposed here.


897 days ago

A Letter to AIM Regulation & Roland “Fatty” Cornish: Colin Bird’s Bezant a statement & suspension needed

As I exposed here yesterday, Colin Bird’s Bezant Resources (BZT) is insolvent and has deceived investors with its interims on Friday. I have written to its Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish, treating him with the respect he deserves, suggesting that the shares be suspended and that a statement is needed ASAP. Since he is almost certainly missing in 7 course lunch action today or perhaps sleeping luncheon off as he prepares for supper, I have ccd in the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation.


899 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: BREAKING: Interims from Bezant and Caerus do not add up, have Colin Bird & Fatty Cornish misled us all?

Yesterday saw interims from Bezant (BZT) and Caerus  (CMRS). Has Colin Bird deceived us all? Have King of the spivs Jon Bellis and London’s worst nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish signed off on a work of complete fiction? I think they have and that Bezant shares should be suspended ASAP and Bird’s career of penny share hustling broughtto an immediate close. All is  explained in today’s podcast. 


912 days ago

A question for Roland Fatty Cornish & Alien Metals: who is Lucine Manjian ( the invisible man)

Yesterday I flagged up an acquisition made by Alien Metals (UFO) which stinks. Its Nomad, London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish clearly does not know how to use google.


913 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Has the Parsley Box sex pest been canned? And is Alien Metals sticking the AIM Rule book up Uranus?

I start with a few logistics on Sharestock, the opt in for booking supper with my family and how you have just 60 hours to book a seat HERE. Then onto Parsley Box (MEAL) and the sex pest I exposed last week HERE before contacting the company., Cineworld (CINE), Avacta (AVCT), Zamaz (ZAMZ) and the useless FCA and the related party or not shenanigans at Alien Metals (UFO) and its Nomad (London’s worst) Roland “Fatty” Cornish.


994 days ago

SHOCKING EXPOSE: Nostra Terra – THIS is what devout Christian Matt Lofgran and Roland “fatty” Cornish hid in the FY Results

This is a disgrace and if the Oxymorons at AIM regulation “led” by the bogus Sheriff of AIM, Mr Marcus Stuttard, were not such pathetic and spineless pond life they would be banning the devout Christian Lofgran and London’s worst Nomad from playing any further part in life on the AIM sewer.


1009 days ago

Letter to AIM Regulation: re Nostra Terra and Beaumont Cornish - are you happy to see investors deceived?

Yet again, I write to AIM Regulation with regard to the devout Christian, Matt Lofgran. Praise be the Lord. This time, it is not about his consorting with convicted pump-and-dump fraudster, Ron Bauer. It concerns his misleading investors in Nostra Terra Oil & Gas (NTOG), in collusion with London’s worst Nomad, Roland  “Fatty” Cornish.


1010 days ago

Is Nostra Terra Oil & Gas misleading investors about a material uncertainty?

This is not rocket science, but I suggest to you that devout Christian, Matt Lofgran (praise be the Lord), and London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish, may be deceiving their investors. Here’s why.


1141 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Tod's in the Slammer, Tod's in the slammer, Hip,Hip Hooray

In today’s bearcast I discuss Cineworld (CINE), Gulf Keystone (GKP), Chill Brands (CHLL), Omega Diagnostics (ODX), Vast Resources (VAST), Joules (JOUL) and the dreadful grammar of the younger brother of London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish. How many BP’s does Michael think there are 2, 3, 27? 


1141 days ago

Vast Resources – again playing fast & loose with AIM rules: deceiving investors and letting down the saintly Dr Teeling

The good doctor Teeling, boss of Botswana Diamonds (BOD) is, as you many know, the only AIM CEO to have seen me naked. But today it is Dr Teeling who is left exposed having been let down, as predicted here, by the scoundrels at worthless POS Vast Resources (VAST). A good Nomad would have warned him against engaging with such wastrels but Dr Teeling uses the services of London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish. Enough said.


1162 days ago

Colin Bird’s joke investment company Tiger, the related party nest of snakes – massively discounted bailout placing ahoy

I warned you in late September, as Tiger Royalties (TIR) published dreadful interims, that the dream team of “Mr Related Party” Colin Bird, London’s worst Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish and its spivviest broker John Bellis of Novum would need to do a placing before April Fool’s day or Tiger would be a dead big cat not for bouncing. Things have got worse.


1190 days ago

Online Blockchain – schoolboy error in joke accounts: a restatement will be needed, guess which Nomad signed off this boo boo?

I need to write this quickly so as not to interrupt the luncheon plans of Mr Roland “Fatty” Cornish, Nomad to this fine company. I would imagine that the start of Advent or the anniversary of the birth of Winston Churchill or the fact that it is Wednesday will be seen as good reason for a celebratory seven course meal starting as soon as Fatty has finished his elevenses. And so to rush. Fatty, you and your client Online Blockchain (OBC), the bastard parent of ADVFN (AFN) have goofed with final results today and those results will have to be re-stated. That is, if you care about accounting rules as much as you care about your reputation as the City’s greatest gourmand.


1230 days ago

Chill Brands – why not post a “no reason for share price move” RNS?

Shares in Chill Brands (CHLL) have fallen by almost 20% since the start of the week and it is not yet Tuesday Lunchtime, unless you are Roland “Fatty Cornish in which case Tuesday lunchtime started just after elevenses. In such a situation many companies would be tempted to issue a “we know of no reason for the share price move” statement. But Chill cannot and it cannot for two reasons.


1236 days ago

BREAKING: Explosive Winnileaks email on Vast Resources - WH Ireland refuses to act for the firm and slates Prelea, Fatty Cornish doesn't care

In March this year WH Ireland was approached to become joint broker to Vast Resources (VAST). It conducted due diligence and that threw up so many red flags about the business but also about boss Andrew Prelea that WH Ireland said that  it could not act.  The email exchange detailing this has found its way via Winnileaks to myself and is published below. It is damning and all credit to WH Ireland for putting principle before profit. But Nomad Roland Fatty Cornish has been made aware of the same issues and appears to think that a) it is just after two so time for the third course of a six course luncheon and b) that he should just carry on taking the cash come what may.  Lunches don’t pay for themselves after all. Enablers like Fatty are why AIM is a sewer. I am aware of a number of matters which WH Ireland discovered and anyone owning shares in Vast is truly certifiable.


1268 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Pot is hot, look at the unsavoury characters the cat dragged in

I receive an invitation to an online pot conference. More signs this sector is hot and thus one I shall avoid. I mention Chill Brands (CHLL) which is not hot and which could see its shares suspended by Friday. I discuss why the Tiger Royalties (TIR) portfolio is toxic and could implode. Surely its Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish can peer over his ever expanding belly and see the danger? I discuss en passant Go Ahead (GOG) and in more detail interims from Powerhouse Energy (PHE). Then to why HEIQ (HEQ) numbers today are so dripping in red flags as yet another recent IPO ( 10 months ago) comes crashing down.


1369 days ago

Alien Metals Limited – more critical questions on the Hamersley acquisition

Roland “Fatty” Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, and the Oxymorons at AIM Regulation are yet to respond to my damning related party expose of Alien Metals (UFO) of last week HERE. While we wait and, as Roland starts the countdown to his elevenses, here are some more questions that he should be asking of his client.


1378 days ago

Alien Metals – is this an undeclared related party deal? Questions for Roland “fatty” Cornish

With London’s worst Nomad, Mr Roland “fatty” Cornish, on board you know that everything at Alien Metals (UFO) must be strictly above board. Nothing gets by the eagle eyes of Fatty. Well not before 11.15 AM when he waddles off to start his daily seven course luncheon. So what’s the deal with Alien? It is all to do with wombats, creatures rarely on the menu for Fatty.


1413 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: even by the standards of Roland "Fatty" Cornish this is an utter disgrace

There are a lot of disgraceful things happening today and so this is a long bearcast and Matthew and his Dog will enjoy it. In it I cover: the fraud Supply@ME capital (SYME), the Zoetic (ZOE) fraud, the utter shocker at Live Company (LVCG), where Fatty  covers himself in shame, Sarah Willingham’s Nightcap (NGHT), a gotcha! for me but more smoke and mirrors and valuation anomalies from Ms W and finally Braveheart Investment Management (BRH). In the excitement I forgot to mention uber dog Bidstack (BIDS) which is now down to its last seven weeks cash and where a bailout placing must be imminent. If you enjoyed today’s show, how about backing the Rogue Bloggers HERE?  


1523 days ago

Octagonal interims & another fail for the worst FD on AIM and the worst Nomad in stab City

Just a few hours before voting to delist Octagonal (OCT) from the AIM Cesspit earlier this week, shareholders in the company were presented with unaudited interim results for the six months ended 30 September 2020. With AIM’s worst FD, Nilesh Jagatia, in charge and London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish, signing off, you will not be shocked that there were a raft of howling schoolboy errors.


1532 days ago

Vast Resources – The bank says Not on your Nelly! The shame of Prelea and Fatty continues…

With London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish advising it we have time and again warned you that VAST Resources (VAST) is the sort, of dog that even paid for hustlers like Zak Mir wouldn’t tip. Okay he probably would but you get the picture. Today we have a major disaster and the shares have crashed.


1543 days ago

BREAKING: Inspirit shares MUST be suspended as SEC now files charges against Octagonal and John Gunn suggesting massive RNS lie

On Christmas Eve Octagonal PLC (OCT) and John Gunn issued an RNS which is, with the document below, indicates to be a monstrous lie. The Nomad who signed it off, Mr Roland “fatty” Cornish is – as I showed HERE and HERE  – massively implicated in this mess and should be struck off by AIM Regulation asap. But back to the Christmas Eve RNS. It looks to be a massive lie, surely now shares in Gunn’s other AIM listed dog, Inspirit (INSP) must be suspended too.


1544 days ago

BREAKING: A question for Roland Fatty Cornish – about that Octagonal Resignation no-one disclosed but which I can reveal

Yesterday I revealed how Roland “Fatty” Cornish was, as Nomad, to Octagonal (OCT) approached by a whistleblower about manifest and multiple regulatory failings but instead of acting on this matter he dobbed the whistleblower in to the company which saw the whistleblower getting a lawyers letter. This should see Fatty struck off as a Nomad now that the SEC – with FCA help – is charging Octagonal and its boss John Gunn over these matters and others. It gets worse for Fatty.


1544 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Christmas Bearcast: This is the scandal that MUST sink London's worst Nomad Roland "Fatty" Cornish

This is all to do with events at Octagonal (OCTdescribed earlier. When did Fatty know? The answer is that thanks to a whistleblower it was eons ago. But it is what he did about it that is the real scandal and why AIM Regulation must drum him out of the City PDQ if it is to maintain any sort of pretence that AIM is a credible market. PS. Merry Christmas to one and all, even Fatty.


1555 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the 1 AIM share you must Fill Your Boots with NOW, don't wait just buy

In today’s podcast I discuss Joshua’s Advent calendar then look at 2 very naughty Nomads and 2 of their grossly over-valued clients. Roland “Fatty” Cornish looks after European Metal Holdings (EMH). Liam Murray of Cairn looks after the ultimate Penny Dreadful, Catenae (CTEA). Then I return to Sarah Willingham’s NightJar and why she is destroying value for morons who pony up £6 million for the IPO on day 1. This is a scandal and Nomad Allenby should be ashamed. Then onto Purplebricks (PURP) before I look at Summerway (SWC) and why, whatever you pay you MUST buy its shares ASAP


1597 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Roland Fatty Cornish, the worst Nomad in London, today's evidence

I start with the US election and stand by my prediction, a win for Donald J Trump but it will be close so I could well be wrong.  Then it is onto Inspirit (INSP), Versarien (VRS), Amigo (AMGO) and Telit (TCM).


1827 days ago

Ex AIM casino posterboy Gate Ventures goes bust: £24m questions for Fergie, Lord Grade, Fatty Cornish & others

It was slung off the AIM Cesspit after just a few months back in 2015 but not before Roland “Fatty “ Cornish, London’s worst Nomad, had made a killing from listing fees and cashing in warrants and dumping shares. Now the company has gone bust … readers of this website cannot say that they were not warned that this would end in tears.


1869 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Joshua & I discover another clown called Justin but there are 2 big differences

One clown is Justin Waite from Vox Markets the other is Mr Tumble who entertains folks Joshua’s age on CBeebies. I explain the two big differences betweeen the two Justin the Clowns. I look at a classic feck up by London’s worst Nomad Roland “Fatty” Cornish. poor man, he has a lot on his plate right now. I look at Andalas Energy (ADL) what the broker coverage of Petards (PEG) shows about the cesspit in the City and I cover just wholly unacceptable executive greed at Coro Energy (CORO). I forgot to mention crony capitalist greed at Toople (TOOP), a coke and hookers event for City spivs but you can read about it HERE. I do, however, comment on NMC Health (NMC) and Finablr (FIN).


1872 days ago

Vast Resources - the death spiral cheque is in the post. Honest! Fatty says it is!

Only the laziest, stupidest and most credulous of Nomads would have signed off on the death spiral funding releases issued over the past few months by, almost certainly worthless, Vast Resources (VAST). Luckily Vast employs Roland “fatty” Cornish  and so today we get another update. You may remember… 


1876 days ago

Winnileaks special: Vast Resources: Ex Director Brian Basham accuses Fatty Cornish of signing off on untrue statements

Oh dear, oh dear, London’s worst Nomad, Roland “Fatty” Cornish really does have a lot on his plate this morning. I refer not to his third portion of finest Manx Kippers dripping in butter, followed by a quartet of hot crumpets with lashings of strawberry jam. No, he is already in hot water over his advice to ADVFN (AFN) that it should break AIM Rules but now Fleet Street Legend Brian Basham has written to Fatty about another of his cash guzzling and worthless clients, Vast Resources (VAST) and, thanks to Winnileaks, I have that letter.


1877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Online Blockchain shares up 58% - have you read the 2019 accounts?

ADVFN (AFN) sister company Online BlockChain (OBC) shares a Nomad in Roland “fatty” Cornish. If you read the 2019 accounts you will be squealing with laughter yet the shares have rocketed 58% today. Why? No doubt Roland is on the ball and a statement will be forthcoming. I look at the madness at Davos, signs of peak bull market insanity and at the news from Westminster Gtroup (WSG) chaired by repellent pig The Right Honourable Tony Baldry of 3DM infamy.


1877 days ago

Breaking: The advice Roland “Fatty” Cornish gave to his client ADVFN to break AIM Rules

Thanks to Winnileaks I now have in my possession a damning email sent by London’s worst Nomad, the restauranteurs saviour, Mr Roland “fatty” Cornish to his client ADVFN (AFN) advising it to take a course of action in direct breach of AIM Rules. I do not blame ADVFN for this at all but surely Fatty needs to be given an almighty bollocking by AIM Regulation for his latest crime?


1877 days ago

The Biggest Clown on AIM: Roland Fatty Cornish warns Brian Basham who quit last week that ADVFN might now have to sack him

It may well be that London’s worst Nomad, the Cambridge educated gourmand, Roland “Fatty” Cornish has, in between meals, invented a time machine. Or perhaps he is just not very bright but that the tutors at Pembroke College thought he was a jolly good fellow who had been to the right school and that the College VIII needed a bit of ballast in the middle? I shall leave you to decide.


1877 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Photo Bearcast: For £1000 a day I will give Fatty Cornish a crash course on the AIM Rulebook

In today’s photo bearcast I discuss ADVFN (AFN) and London’s worst and fattest Nomad, Optibiotix (OPTI), Plutus Powergen (PPG), Dods (DODS), Tissue Regenix (TRX) and Sosandar (SOS) whose antics are enough to turn a man to drink.


1885 days ago

EXPLOSIVE: Brian Basham quits ADVFN but why is the company not telling you why?

Shareholders have a right to know exactly why the Fleet Street legend Brian Basham quite as a Non Executive director of ADVFN (AFN) on Friday but despite Basham ensuring that Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish was kept in the loop, ADVFN has refused to come clean. Luckily, thanks to Winnileaks, I have BOTH resignation letter sent by Basham and what they say is utterly shocking.


1971 days ago

If Vast Resources had a proper Nomad there would be a full steward’s into its placing disclosures

But it does not. Its Nomad is Beaumont Cornish, run by Roland “Fatty” Cornish who only acts for companies that are the dregs of the AIM Cesspit. They can say what they want in an RNS, fatty will sign off on it before waddling off for a four course breakfast, luncheon or dinner. Bad companies use Fatty as he will sign off on anything. Good companies do not want investors assuming they are dodgy so use another Nomad. And that brings us to Vast.


1986 days ago

EXCLUSIVE: The “tax efficient” greed of London’s worst Nomad Roland “fatty” Cornish again exposed

At tonight’s crony capitalist black tie AIM awards dinner paid for by you, long suffering AIM investors, I suggest there should be a special award honouring the rapacious greed of the man who floats and represents the bulk of the shittiest companies on the AIM Casino, Mr Roland “Fatty” Cornish.  The annual report for calendar 2018 for his company Beaumont Cornish, has just been posted on companies house having been submitted three days before the nine month deadline (like client, like advisor) and is shocking as you can see below.


2211 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Liars, damned liars and AIM CEOs

In this bearcast I comment on Bluejay Mining (JAY) although my main commentary on it is in a seperate podcast HERE, Metals Exploration (MTL), and Nostra Terra (NTOG). I also look at Ted Baker (TED), TekCapital (TEK) and Alien Mining (UFO) with its new Nomad, London's worst, Roland "Fatty" Cornish.  If you enjoyed this podcast please support the EIGHT rogue bloggers for Woodlarks with a small donation HERE


2281 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: From 5.30 tonight think of me dear listeners as I undergo sheer torture

I start by explaining that torture and it involves sociology lecturers. I then move onto explaining why Roland "fatty" Cornish is the utterly unacceptable face of crony capitalism. Then moving from the undeserving rich to the needy,  I ask you to give a few quid to Woodlarks HERE. I then look at Frontera (FRR) where the silence is deafening, Amur (AMC), Audioboom (BUST), Angus Energy (ANGS), UK Oil & Gas (UKOG), F*ck Yu (YU.) and finally at Gulf Marine (GMS) which is about to discover that just because it is Christmas that won't stop the banksters being total bastards. There is no season of goodwill for that profession.


2281 days ago

How London’s worst Nomad Roland Fatty Cornish made £400k+ last year but are his firm’s accounts pure fiction?

Hat tip to a reader in the Grim North for pointing out the latest work of fiction from London’s worst Nomad, the disgraced Roland “Fatty” Cornish, that is to say calendar 2017 accounts from his firm Beaumont Cornish Limited.


2352 days ago

5 Questions for Charlie Wood at the Mayan GM tomorrow

Richard Jennings of Align is not letting go and has posted 5 questions for long suffering Mayan Energy (MYN) shareholders to put to Charlie Wood at the GM tomorrow before booting him off the board. He has raised these matters with Nomad Roland "Fatty" Cornish but London's most useless adviser thinks that it is not his job to keep companies in order. His job is to bank fat retainers from companies, let them do what they want and then to head out for a five course lunch every day. Great! More spotted dick with lashings of custard waiter!  Anyhow, over to Jennings who writes:


2447 days ago

Angus Energy boss Tidswell and the share swindle it gets even better – meet Elizaveta Lata

Only London’s worst Nomad, Roland “fatty” Cornish could have overseen the shambles at Angus Energy (ANGS) exposed earlier today HERE whereby its boss Jonathan Tidswell-Pretorious handed over all his 39 million shares as security on an (undisclosed) before signing paperwork only to find – with no money advanced – that 10.8 million had been flogged. But it gets better. Far better.


2589 days ago

Mayan Operational update: Zac says Irresponsible I say ramptastic shite c/o Fatty

Mayan Energy (MYN) has not had a placing since it raised £2 million gross at 0.6p in mid November. Circa £1.5 million of that went out of the door at once on commission and an acquisition so the tank must be running kind of dry by now. Hence Align being paid to initiate (bullish) research and seven ramptastic releases in less than three months. Today's is shocking and Nomad Roland "Fatty" Cornish, London's most useless Corporate adviser, should be hung drawn and quartered for signing off on it.


2625 days ago

Online Blockchain - after the pump the dump and another big block-tastic lie

The Nomad is Roland "Fatty" Corniush, the most incompetent financial adviser in the known universe so, on that basis, Clem Chambers blockspoof Online Blockchain (OBC) must feel under no obligation to tell the truth as it places £1 million at 100p. This is the stuff of peak bull market insanity.


2679 days ago

Mayan Energy, the dump after the pump - Zac "The Knife" Phillips has 14 questions for the shysters

Ramptastic - if not entirely transparent RNS releases, Bulletin Board and twitter ramping by all the usual suspects with ludicrous price targets, no cash. What on earth did you expect was going to happen next at perennial uber dog Mayan Energy (MYN)? As those who were paying up to 0.9p at peak ramp just a few days ago contemplate how they were used to get away a £2 million placing at 0.6p they should have very serious questions for London's worst Nomad Roland Fatty Cornish who has signed off in recent ramptastic releases. Enter the fray Zac "The Knife" Phillips of SP Angel, the City's top oil analyst who has 14 questions that a Nomad with a shred of integrity and competence would have asked before allowing the releases. Over to The Knife who writes:


2922 days ago

Jason Drummond's Gametech: Heading for administration but is it all what it seems?

Four days before Christmas I revealed that after Teathers Financial (TEA), the next venture of Jason Drummond, Gametech, was planning a listing on NEX Markets c/o London's worst financial adviser/Nomad Mr Roland "Fatty" Cornish. Wind forward and the Court filing below suggests that it is on the brink of bankruptcy. But is all it seems?


3072 days ago

Roland "Fatty" Cornish, a £270k dividend for failure and the oddest accounts on this planet

If you thought that the accounts of some of the crap Roland "fatty" Cornish floated on AIM smelled bad, you need to look at the annual report of his own firm Beaumont Cornish Limited. I shall be urging both the FCA and the HMRC to have a butchers as it looks well iffy. But if you have lost a packet in any, or all, of the junk Fatty has floated or acted for - not least Daniel Stewart and New World Oil & Gas - you will be delighted to know that in 2015 his "takings" from dividends alone were £270,000. How's that for transferring wealth from the 99% to the 1%?


3165 days ago

Octagonal - another comedy classic from Fatty Cornish and another win for the Sheriff

Earlier today I flagged up that John Gunn run POS enterprise Octagonal (OCT) had, in April, promised results in June but had not only not published its numbers (never a good sign) but had also parted company with its auditor last month but not told anyone about it. In direct response to MY ARTICLE HERE, Octagonal fished its corpulent and useless Nomad Roland "Fatty" Cornish out of his four course luncheon to issue a statement. It is another comedy classic from Fatty. Boy he does know how to tell em.


3165 days ago

Nyota Minerals- With Roland "Fatty" Cornish as Nomad the Panto continues

Once again the folly of allowing Roland "Fatty" Cornish to act as a Nomad for AIM casino stocks is well and truly exposed. Once again mug punters are seen to have taken it up the jacksie because of the incompetence of Fatty who is, as I write, enjoying a full English breakfast with an extra two big fat juicy pork sausages just like they used to serve at his old boarding school. Today's case study is Nyota Minerals (NYO).


3197 days ago

LGO Results - a landmark in confetti issuing horseshit

Announcing your annual results at 1.38 PM ensures that some folks will miss the horrors you reveal. London's most useless Nomad, Mr Roland "fatty" Cornish will just be starting course two of four and so will not be back at his desk until the next trading day. So there is some point in sneaking out the bad news in the middle of the day. And that brings me to the trainwreck with Neil Ritson at the wheel, but David Lenigas driving from the back seat, LGO Energy (LGO). 

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