
1278 days ago

Most Germans are related to a war criminal but 99% of Brits get a clean pass on slavery

On an almost daily basis, some woke dullard makes the claim that we wicked Brits all benefitted from the slave trade and need to cough up. Invariably, the same sort of folks say we should forgive and forget events of eight years ago in Europe, most Germans were not Nazis they say. The only problem apart from the logistics of reparations – who gets the moolah – is that both statements are not true although in 2021 I am probably not allowed to say that. Here goes anyway… let’s start with the Hun.


1947 days ago

Brexit Derangement Syndrome Victim of the day Marc Hayo

#FBPE (Follow Back Pro Europe) added to your twitter account is a good sign that you may well be suffering from Brexit Derangement Syndrome and today’s tweet from Marc Hayo shows that he sure is. Marc lives in the liberal, Euro loving, millionaires ghetto of Kensington, has a good degree and a cunning plan to stop Brexit involving Gerry Adams & co…


2317 days ago

Trump now at 31% among black voters – this is an earthquake the liberal media establishment will just not report

I noted the other day, how Donald Trump’s approval rating among black voters was at 29% which was just astoundingly high. The latest Rasmussen poll puts that figure at 31% which, if you check the data here , makes him the most popular Republican leader among blacks since the 1950s.


2891 days ago

Today's mad Oxbridge academic in la la land is Wendy Ayres Bennett - time to learn Polish

In last week's demonstration of how out of touch elite academics are with the rest of us, an Oxford Don reported the half witted Home Secretary Amber Rudd to the old Bill for Hate Crimes for a speech he had not heard. This week Cambridge has struck back in the battle to show which top University is more out of touch.
