
42 days ago

Tom Winnifrith podcast: I've got covid again, would having 9 jabs have saved me? I discuss a catalogue of lies

I have covid for a third or fourth time. I felt fairly horrible on Friday night but a day of rest, fluids, vitamin C and zinc leaves me feeling much better. A friend who has had nine jabs also has covid. I had two a long time ago and regret that bitterly. I discuss the claim that having more jabs makes the covid caught less serious in light of the data and the history of GroupThink and expert lies.


1100 days ago

So Boris you idiot – what happened to follow the science? Meanwhile Sweden vs Israel, God vs Man?

For what seems like an eternity, ever more restrictive and ludicrous rules have been imposed on us in an attempt to tackle a plague with a 99.97% survival rate on the basis that we must “follow the science.” Of course that was tommyrot.
