
163 days ago

Well done musicMagpie: bailout bid from AO World at 9.07p in cash, Minus 96% since 2021 IPO

I have to hand it to Steve Oliver and his team at musicMagpie (MMAG), this is a result. Given that Magpie is drowning in debt and burning cash, the alternative to a bid was insolvency so persuading AO World (AO) to pay anything at all for the equity is a triumph. AO could have simply approached Magpie’s banks bought the det, almost certainly at a discount, and seized control. But perhaps this is less disruptive. Having said this is a triumph…

276 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: TW is not calling out Supply@ME Capital as a fraud anymore, it is time to buy! Oh yeah?

In today’s Bearcast I look at the insolvent fraud Supply@ME Capital (SYME), musicMagpie (MMAG), Parkmead Group (PMG), Upland Resources (UPL), Wishbone Gold (WSBN), Red Rock Resources (RRR), and Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) and my old sparring partners at Tosser Fund.


278 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: World Chess and its utterly insane valuation shows exactly why bears and shorters are needed

I start with a rant about how the MCC is annoying me today. Then onto why I should sack Steve Moore, World Chess (CHSS), Tingo (TIO) and an email from Nate, Guild ESports (GILD), Verditek (VDTK), Made Tech (MTEC),musicMagpie (MMAG) and ITM Energy (ITM)


287 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: My tip of the year is looking ever better, despite the antics of the bearded liar

In today’s podcast I discuss Voyager Life (VOY), musicMagpie (MMAG), Oxford Cannabinoid (OCTP), Argentex (AGFX), and Optibiotix (OPTI)


287 days ago

musicMagpie Letter to AIM Regulation: statement needed

The Oxymorons at AIM Regulation maybe busy reading ESG porn or dealing with the antics of poltroon Giles Balleny at Cavendish. If they do have a spare moment they should consider why shares in musicMagpie (MMAG) have collapsed in recent days and be forcing a statement. I am 99 sure I know the reasons but it would be nice to have that confirmed. I have sent the letter below by email:


301 days ago

musicMagpie – how long shall we keep pretending?

Back in November, agents for musicMagpie (MMAG) leaked to the hapless gophers on the Daily Telegraph that it had received bid approaches from both BT and Aurelius Investment Advisory Ltd and as gerbils in chatrooms yakked about a 40p per share bid (or more!) the company started a formal offer process. By 27th both BT and Aurelius had stated they were not interested. However…


336 days ago

musicMagpie: what is going on?

I have been contacted by a couple of readers spooked by the musicMagpie (MMAG) share price climbing by almost 20% today to 12.75p. Every dog has its day even this one. Two things will become apparent in the coming weeks.


355 days ago

Bulletin Board Moron of the Week can you beat this musicMagpie owning poltroon by Christmas?

Can you find a dafter post than the one below – and you might hunt happily on Canadian Overseas and Versarien boards today – from the LSE Asylum musicMagpie (MMAG) thread. For the avoidance of doubt, as explained HERE, I expect magpie to go bust in 2024 and shareholders to lose everything. But some folks are still fighting.


355 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 thoughts about my dad, 2 bankruptcies predicted for 2024 and a Kefi thought

I start with a couple of thoughts about my Dad prompted by events today and on Sunday. Then it is onto Tingo (FRAUD) and questions for the FCA and Deloitte, Canadian Overseas (COPL), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), musicMagpie (MMAG) and Superdry (SDRY)


358 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: a snake correction & the WGEOMM is in touch

I start with the snake yesterday and a clarification, then it is onto Dispensa (DISP), Vast Resources (VAST), BjueJay Mining (JAY) – surely another bailout placing ahoy but at what price? – Microsaic (MSYS), Power Metal Resources (POW), Teather’s Financial and Flip Flop Ben Turney, and in real detail musicMagpie (MMAG) and why today’s statement does not address the real issue, making the shares a slam dunk sell.


359 days ago

Dates matter: has musicMagpie forgotten its trading statement?

I do not wish to be a bore but dates matter. It was on December 7 last year that musicMagpie (MMAG) served up a full year ( to December 31) trading statement. It is now December 12 and there has still been no statement this year.


364 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: talking to Kefi and the hidden lack of profits warnings: Nightcap and musicMagpie are zeros

The olive harvest is done and I am freezing here in Greece. In today’s podcast I look at Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), NightCap (NGHT) and musicMagpie (MMAG).


366 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: swapping emails with 'arry and when is a trading statement not a trading statement?

In today’s Bearcast I look at Chill Brands (CHLL), MusicMagpie (MMAG), Vast Resources (VAST), Eurasia Mining (EUA) and the bent and corrupt world of paid for research, Supply@ME Capital (FRAUD) and Regtech Open (RTOP) asking when will the taxman pull the plug, Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI) and Optibiotix (OPTI)


367 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: two companies pregnant with lack of profits warnings and facing a balance sheet crisis

I start with an update on the Greek Hovel olive harvest. Then I look at Online Blockchain (OBC), musicMagpie (MMAG), Helium One (HE1), Ben’s Creek (BEN), Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Regtech Open (RTOP) and the failings of PKF Littlejohn and the FCA


378 days ago

A rat jumps ship at sinking musicMagpie: the end game draws closer

The spoof bid approaches behind it, pregnant with a so far undeclared lack of profits warning and with its banks knicker wetting over ballooning debts , the good ship musicMagpie (MMAG) is already taking on vast amounts of water and the waves are getting higher and higher. What would you do if you were a rat?


380 days ago

MusicMagpie Told y’all, it’s the ugly bird at the disco that nobody, however smashed, will shag: bidders flee!

I told you all very clearly that when musicMagpie ((MMAG) tipped off the Daily Telegraph that it had received two bid approaches it was all a spoof. The company put out a confirmatory approach and saw its shares surge to 23p as Daily Telegraph readers (poor saps) filled their boots. The reality…


387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: what can we all learn from the Empresaria profits warning?

In today’s podcast I look at why charting is folly, musicMagpie (MMAG), Tintra (TNT), Empresaria (EMR) and numerous lessons we can all learn and Lift Global Ventures (LFT) run by brown envelope man Zak Mir and why its results are so utterly misleading.


387 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: No I am not supporting team cancer

In today’s podcast I discuss Inheritance tax and the dangers of inherited wealth, cancer and Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Velocys (VLS), Helium One (HE1), Powerhouse Energy (PHE) and Woodlarks. 


389 days ago

MusicMagpie – bid approaches or an admission of debt crisis?

Someone, guess who, leaked to the Daily Telegraph that musicMagpie (MMAG) was in bid talks so forcing a statement from the debt laden company. It states that it is in “early-stage discussions with both BT Group plc and Aurelius Group as to a possible offer to acquire the entire issued and to be issued share capital of musicMagpie.” So what is really happening?


594 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: knocking down the snake barn here in Wales

Photos later but it’s exciting. Then on losing a bet with Joshua, More Acquisitions (TMOR), Wandisco (WAND) fesses up after my article last week but in a spineless way, musicMagpie (MMAG), Optibiotix (OPTI), Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL) & Guild ESports (GILD


599 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: chatting with Lucian, now 100% bored with gold: what are we both missing?

Firstly thank you on many messages re Olaf and her First. Then news that I am restarting the video shows and in that vein I had a long chat today with Lucian about gold and also Canadian Overseas Petroleum (COPL). I mention 4 gold stocks I own. Then it is onto MusicMagpie (MMAG) and Mosman Oil & Gas (MSMN) and a contest. Can anyone find a listed share, still listed, with a worse share price record than Mosman?


599 days ago

MusicMagpie dismal numbers, just look at those ballooning borrrowings!

I flagged up earlier how these numbers from musicMagpie (MMAG) breach IFRS rules but that is really the least of the company’s problems. When the company floated in April 2021 it was profitable and had net cash. Now it is drowning in debt and loss making. Thank heavens that founder shareholders including the CEO’s wife were able to dump £95 million of their shares at the 193p IPO onto dumb fund managers. The shares are today 15.5p.


601 days ago

BREAKING: MusicMagpie – schoolboy accounting error breaches IFRS

I shall turn to what are quite dreadful results shortly. However it is worth flagging up a schoolboy error, a breach of IFRS Rules as musicMagpie (MMAG) serves up its piss poor results for the six months to May 31.


619 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Now the Avacta witch-hunt starts

In today’s podcast I discuss Avacta (AVCT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Kefi Gold & Copper (KEFI), Ariana Resources (AAU), Colin Bird’s African Pioneer (AFP), the culture at Odey and why ALL its staff should pay (footnote it is RAB not Odey that owns shares in Kefi, apologies long covid strikes again), what a Labour Government really means for business and investors and Joshua’s school sports day later on.


632 days ago

Trade-in Presentation by Back Market: when will it knock musicMagpie for six?

Back Market is launching a new platform on June 13: Trade-in. It served up a presentation on that on 25 May which you can see below. On the basis of that I asked the world’s greatest living Magpi-ologist how and when it will knock musicMagpie (MMAG) for six? First the presentation:


653 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: the world's greatest musicMagpie expert opines

I start with domestic woes and legal opinion on the claims of the IRA man. In the main body of today’s podcast I look at Purplebricks (PURP) and the role of Neil Woodford and Link. I cover Microsaic (MSYS), Deepverge (DVRG), Pantheon Resources (PANR), Asimilar (ASLR), Argo Blockchain (ARB) – placing at 6p?. I also relay the thoughts of the world’s greatest living expert on musicMagpie (MMAG) and why it is doomed. If you hurry and book a seat at Sharestock – where less than a third of seats are still free - you can meet the expert, who was also a great Quindellologist – on September 23. You can book HERE


730 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Atlantic Lithium collapsing on Blue Orca bear dossier

I start with a rant about the fecking GPs and the bloody teachers as approx. 0.0 inches of snow accumulates and my father in law has to go to hospital again. I am so bloody angry about both. Then it is onto the collapse in the share price of Atlantic Lithium (ALL) – about which I explicitly warned you all just under four months ago HERE – after a bear dossier was published: see below. Then I look at Red Rock Resources (RRR), some of the #IWD jokes including one from Jeremy Corbyn and one from Guild Esports (GILD). Finally it is ouzo o’clock as musicMagpie (MMAG) serves up dire results and warns of tough times ahead. Footnote: at 4.15 PM Atlantic shares were suspended “pending an announcement”


773 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Happy Birthday to Me, only NOT a pensioner now thanks to Steve O'Hara!

Yes its my birthday. Ahead of a cake made by the Mrs and a takeaway from what I am told is the finest Indian in Wrecsam, I discuss musicmagpie (MMAG) in depth, Argo Blockchain (ARB) en passant and Trustpilot (TRST) in depth.


807 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: On Day 1 of the olive harvest, a challenge for loathsome Neill Ricketts but is he man enough?

It is day one of the harvest and feeling rather wet and very tired I explain a bit of what has gone on. Then it is onto Versarien (VRS), Chill Brands (CHLL) and musicMagpie (MMAG) two of which I expect to go bust in 2023.


888 days ago

Updated: Is the musicMagpie whistleblower its Chief Technology Officer? He says no!

Earlier I posted damning claims about musicMagpie (MMAG) by someone claiming to be an ex employee, which suggest that the busineses’s new ventures will flop and its existing business is in real decline. So who is this poster? It has been suggested that it is the company’s CTO David Hilton. The company’s PR firm Powerscourt cannot be arsed to return calls as promised which only fuels uncertainty whiile musicMagpie HQ was not even answering the phone mid afternoon. But Mr Hilton has better manners and has got back to me to say he is still employed at music and is not the whistleblower.


888 days ago

If this is not an ex musicMagpie employee spilling the beans then he is a great imposter

musicMagpie (MMAG) the company one heartbeat from being in the hands of a fraud enabler has been a long term – and quite utterly brilliant – bear call by myself. I think I have made the ongoing bear case quite clearly after the most recent (lack of) profits warning. Now a chap claiming to be an ex employee has popped up on the LSE Asylum with a few posts. Now I know this is the No 1 asylum but the virgin poster seems to know what he is talking about. Maybe he/she/they is real?


895 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Colin Bird skewers himself Neil Woodford style so Tiger Royalties shares 80% overvalued

My Aunt Lucy ticked me off this morning for writing nasty things about folks. She wants me to be nicer to EVERYONE even folks like Colin Bird and Neill Ricketts. Hmmmmmmmmmm. In today’s podcast I look at Versarien (VRS), musicMagpie (MMAG), Saga (SAGA) and in detail at Tiger Royalties & Investments (TIR), Birds’s collapsing house of related party cards.


895 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 2 David Beckham dogs a spoofing day

I start today’s Bearcast by agreeing with the vile Peter Mandelson on why the Tories really are toast. Then it is onto musicMagpie (MMAG), ProCook (PROC), Online Blockchain (OBC), ADVFN (AFN), Cellular Goods (CBX), Gild eSports (GILD) and Eden Research (EDEN). What a roll call of infamy.


896 days ago

musicMagpie (lack of) profits warning & more bullshit – a true IPO £95m share dump disgrace

musicMagpie (MMAG), the company floated by COO and proven fraud enabler Ian Storey has – as predicted – served up a (lack of) profits warning which is bullshit heavy.


900 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Talking with Lucian Miers, THG and Versarien, both possible zeros

In today’s Bearcast, I discuss banksters’ bonuses and the evil Tories, (MADE), Checkit (CKT), musicMagpie (MMAG), Versarien (VRS) and THG (THG).


909 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast : an absolute shocker from the FCA - Zamaz & free Cineworld cash thanks to the morons

I end with some logistics on Sharestock, booking for supper, tickets etc – we are now looking at almost 80 seats on the lawn. If you want to book yours please do so this weekend so I can sort out catering etc HERE. I start with economics lessons for the NHS and greedy and lazy Shipmans, then onto Cineworld (CINE), then thanks to Evil Banksta, what is an RCF and musicMagpie (MMAG). Finally today’s new issue Zamaz (ZAMZ) a £77 million IPO worth, £350,000. This is a true shocker. What is the FCA thinking about in permitting this to list on the Standard List?


923 days ago

musicMagpie – the email that tells you all you need to know, the merde IS hitting the fan

I suggested yesterday that musicMagpie (MMAG) was trading badly and that this means that an equity raise will, at some stage, be needed in order to stave off a visit from the Fat Lady. I pondered if that fund raise was already underway. Bang on cue an email drops to those who may or may not have signed up to being spammed by Magpie.


923 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - so when will musicMagpie 'fess to the bad news?

I start on if I could, why I would short an opticians chain. I think the answer is I can’t  but I explain why I would like to. Then it is onto musicMagpie (MMAG), the fraud that is Supply@ME Capital (SYME), Shield Thereapeutics (STX) – today’s lesson in insanity – and Ben’s Creek (BEN) and disgraced Adam Wilson.


932 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Today I bought shares in ...

All is explained in the podcast but my pension has gone to nil cash after this trade. Then I look at Eden Research (EDEN), musicMagpie (MMAG), Cineworld (CINE), (BOO) and Revolution Beauty (REVB). As of today 72 chairs will be needed for ShareStock on September 10. I am scrabbling to get them so if you want to attend please book early in case I need to do more scrabbling. Book HERE


937 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: More WhatsApp messages fall into my hands – Giles Clarke what is sauce for the goose

Yesterday I discussed how Ironveld Resources (IRON) via its PR man Tim Blythe of BlytheRay ands the awful Mail on Sunday was smearing Richard Jennings but ignoring the real issue which were breaches of AIM Rule 10 and 11. But what is sauce for the goose… I today read to you a string of remarks made by Giles Clarke, Ironveld’s chairman in WhatsApp messages now in my posession. After yesterday’s indignation perhaps Mr Clarke wants to consider his position. Then onto Abingdon Health (ABDX), liquidity drying up and what it can mean, Parsley Box (MEAL) and musicMagpie (MMAG). I also discuss Wishbone Gold (WSBN) urging a note of caution on “nearology.”


941 days ago

musicMagpie – money for nothing and chips for free

Of course, musicMagpie (MMAG), the cash guzzling POS floated with a fraudster steering the ship, is already in Dire Straits. But now let’s chuck in some executive greed.


953 days ago

musicMagpie – why must banksters find new ways to lose money?

The answer? Previous ways of doing so already work jolly well.  And that brings us to musicMagpie (MMAG), a company with a proven fraudster one missed heartbeat from the helm, that has deceived its investors, is burning cash and has no real USP. Great! Just the sort of company with which a bankster might do business, particularly as we enter a recession. Coke and hookers all round. Today, we learn that NatWest and HSBC have offered it a three-year RCF, an overdraft for corporates. Boy will music need that cash.


996 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: will ASOS ever again generate cash?

I describe Thursday morning for me and Jaya, including a stop-in with my parents-in-law.  This is relevant, as I discuss what my mother-in-law was watching on TV. I look at the house price bubble, the Bank of England, and interest rates. Then, I touch on THG (THG); ASOS (ASC); Sosandar (SOS); Zephyr Energy (ZPHR) – get your wallet out, Cliff; Wildcat Petroleum (WCAT); Kinovo (KINO); and Boohoo (BOO). I also discuss the notion that MusicMagpie (MMAG) has a list of “spiffing institutional inveestors”, and that this will save the company. It won’t.


996 days ago

MusicMagpie shows why bullshit earnings are bullshit earnings in piss-poor H1 trading update

The company whose COO – who still oversees finance – is a historic fraudster, has served up yet another piss-poor trading update; it misses critical detail on the (lack of) cash front.


1042 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: I don't know what option would make me more angry

The reference is to the fact that there is only 1 candidate in the local elections where I live and he is a king sized dickhead. From that I move onto interest rates and why they should have been increased by more than 0.25%. Of course we should not be in this inflationary mess anyway. Then it is onto  Vast Resources (VAST), Trainline (TRN), Seraphime (BUMP),Parsley Box (MEAL) and musicMagpie (MMAG). I will try to complete my long promised share purchases tomorrow and to discuss them then.Thank you to all who have donated to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks.  We are now at 15% of target but still 97% of Bearcast listeners have yet to chip in. Come on, just a fiver or a tenner: please do donate now HERE. PS The reference to Kirstie Allsop and a podcast is about this one HERE


1051 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: three strong reasons to sell Eqtec

I discuss the trip yesterday from one hovel to another. The it is onto Audioboom (BOOM), musicMagpie (MMAG), 2 more sector specific big lessons to learn from the AIM demise of W Resources (WRES), the use of language and what McColls (MCLS) said today and finally three big reasons to sell the hell out of green shite PI darling Eqtec (ETQ).


1051 days ago

musicMagpie to launch on Back Market – the competitor that could not exist: NOT good news

This was announced via RNS Reach today but surely it is significant. In a bad way. In its IPO Prospectus of a year ago musicMagpie (MMAG) said it faced no competition and that competition could not arrive. That was a lie. It already had in the form of E5 billion Unicorn Back Market. Today music says it will also sell its electronic goods on Back as well as its own platform.  The financials…


1073 days ago

Spot the April Fool - musicMagpie

Yesterday shares in musicMagpie (MMAG) crashed another 19% to a new low of 42.5p and the end game is very obviously zero as our extensive coverage shows. Inlight of that, can you spot what must be an April Fool below?


1073 days ago

Videos: Music Magpie can STEAL from you! Read its T+C's CAREFULLY

Okay, these videos are a little nerdy. But they make the point that, while musicMagpie (MMAG) may bang on about its great reputation and oh-so-clever IT systems, it does piss off a lot of its customers. Many got in touch with this blogger after he claimed Magpie had used its T&Cs to steal from him. In the end, this will only hasten its inevitable demise.


1074 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: The TTF disinvites me and spares the FT's blushes on Woodford

I have today been disinvited from the Woodford TTF event, so if you paid £75 to hear me, ask for your money back. I’m sure the FT’s happy, and I discuss what you will NOT now hear. I also discuss today’s April Fool on ShareProphets - which some of you fell for! Finally, I look at 4D Pharma (DDDD); Verditek (VDTK) – is that the Fat Lady I see?; Eden Research (EDEN), and the issue its auditors will have; and musicMagpie (MMAG), with today’s share price lurch in mind.


1074 days ago

musicMagpie – shares off another 15% and now just 40p to sell – time for a statement?

It is three weeks until the one-year anniversary of musicMagpie’s (MMAG) IPO at 193p – c/o Peel Hunt – when founder shareholders trousered £93 million dumping stock on institutions. Today, the shares are crashing again, off 15% at just 40p to sell. The spread (10p) tells you something is very wrong. So, what is afoot?


1079 days ago

Artisanal Spirits – another shocking 2021 IPO, misleading with FY Numbers

Okay this is not on a par with musicMagpie (MMAG) or Parsley Box (MEAL) which are both heading for an encounter with the Fat Lady already but, still, Nomad Singer should be holding its head in shame, as reader A flags up Artisanal Spirits (ART).., Hat tip to him. Here’s why.


1079 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: A night of shame for Mello Events, and Skinbiotherapeutics - I'm buying more

I start with Mello Events, which last night exposed itself as a PR promoter, failing to allow any questions about the elephant in the room: musicMagpie(MMAG).  Then to Optibiotix (OPTI) and Skinbiotherapeutics (SBTX), after today’s news from the latter. I have spoken to both Steve O’Hara and Stuart Ashman. As Les points out in the comments section, the silver lining for you is the postponement of my retirement – but not for long. The market has over-reacted: long-term, these two companies will subsidise the goat farm, as I explain in detail.


1080 days ago

How is this for airbrushing a history of fraud - musicMagpie again

Thanks to this website you know the history of very serious fraud of musicMagpie (MMAG) CFO turned COO Ian Storey.  But if you go to the Magpie website and check out his CV you see history airbrushed.


1080 days ago

A challenge for David Stredder and Mello Events - musicMagpie

So, David: do you want the audience to learn anything, or are you a mere PR man for low-grade corporates?  Tonight, musicMagpie (MMAG) is presenting at Mello Events, and you can bet that it will not discuss how, shockingly, it deceived investors about real competition in its IPO prospectus; or how its CFO-turned-COO was a serious fraudster.


1080 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Fraud is a sign of the times

I start with an apology for yesterday’s downtime, explaining what happened. Then I look at the musicMagpie (MMAG) saga, and why what I have discovered is so utterly damning. I also discuss today’s expose on paid social media influencers HERE. Regarding that, HERE is where the SEC did what the FCA should be doing, but I fear will not unless we enter a prolonged bear market where many lose cash.


1084 days ago

You'd almost think Peel Hunt was up to no good - musicMagpie share price

musicMagpie (MMAG) clearly needs a bailout placing to survive. There is only selling ( apart from spoof boardroom trades) so the shares should be heading lower. But one market maker is holding the price up.  Others clearly would not touch this with a bargepole given what we have exposed here this week.  So which market maker is holding the price up?  Hint….


1084 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: should I sack the dishonest Welsh worker part 2

Yesterday all of you said i should sack him. But the sad old geezer has texted me today.I relay what he wrote and ask, in today’s edition of the Moral Maze, if I should still sack him? The answer I think you will give, bears direct relation to both musicMagpie (MMAG) and Advanced Oncotherapy (AVO) which I discuss. I also cover Petropavlovsk (POG), Amala Foods (DISH), Zak Mir, Richard “Nobody Likes me and I do not care” Jennings and Lift Ventures whose IPO seems not to be quite as “imminent” as Zak told us it was two months ago.


1084 days ago

KERBOOM! musicMagpie going to zero Part 4 – its business is being crushed

The last two businesses of musicMagpie (MMAG) boss Steven Oliver went bust leaving unpaid bills of c£8million. But he had excuses ready for certainly this was nothing to do with a poor business model or management incompetence. Oh no! It was all to do with bastard banks pulling the plug and macro trends crushing his business model. Ring any bells yet?


1085 days ago

What does ActiveOps have in common with the dogs musicMagpie and Parsley Box?

Young Steve has already written up today’s disastrous lack of profits warning from ActiveOps (AOM) but he misses out a key point with the shares now 97.5p. The fine firm responsible for this listing as Nomad and Broker was Investec. I wonder how much it earned.


1085 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - should I sack another worker here in Wales?

I give you the circumstances and ask should I sack this old bloke? I can see no reason not to even if it forces me to have to learn how to slate. Then I look at BlueJay Mining (JAY), musicMagpie (MMAG), McColls (MCLS), and the almighty joke that is Standard Listed Fragrant Prosperity (FPP) which is, as I explain, worth less than nothing.


1085 days ago

musicMagpie going to Zero part 3 - its COO's history of fraud, Ian Storey's CV

Ian Storey was the CFO of musicMagpie (MMAG) from March 2015, becoming the COO when this company joined the AIM sewer last April.Are investors fully aware of his history of cooking the books at one of the biggest FTSE frauds of the past two decades?


1085 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Surely Dignity has to refinance and it will not be pretty

I start by explaining why my next musicMagpie (MMAG) article was delayed until tomorrow. It is all to do with a Greek, a lorry and a shortage of bubblewrap in Wrexham. I draw your attention to a real share trading oddity at Magpie before heading on to  discuss whether Vast Resources (VAST) or Catenae (CTEA) will go bust first. Finally a detailed look at Dignity (DTY) where that combination of zero earnings visibility, past overcharging of punters and a wreck of a balance sheet spells even more gloom ahead.


1085 days ago

Musicmagpie - the corruption of the deadwood press, just lying to its readers!

It is almost as if reporter Jon Robinson from Business Live was taking dictation from PR fluffies Powerscourt as he reported on boardroom share buying at musicMagpie (MMAGhere.  Claiming the bosses were “doubling down” by buying £300,000 of shares at 52.5p is “doubling down” when, as I pointed out HERE, the same bosses had sold £15.7 million worth of shares at the IPO less than a year ago is just 100% misleading. It gets worse…


1085 days ago

musicMagpie Going to Zero Part 2 – the response, it's 'avin'a giraffe

Yesterday I explained very clearly how musicMagpie (MMAG) had lied to investors in its prospectus and that lie was at the heart of the reason why the company will eventually, like the two previous businesses of CEO Steven Oliver go bust.  There was a response, of sorts at 3.50 PM.


1085 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast - the last ever recorded in Shipston

I explain why and about a bit of a mishap as I left Wales. The it is onto musicMagpie (MMAGafter this piece earlier,  Parsley Box (MEAL),  Chill Brands (FRAUD), Online Blockchain (OBC), TrustPilot (TRST) and Knights Group (KGH). After my enforced training walk thismorning you can donate to Rogue Bloggers for Woodlarks HERE on the news of our new star walker


1086 days ago

BREAKING: Music Magpie a zero explained: Part 1 the IPO Monster Lie

Amazingly Music Magpie (MMAG) is one of the three most recognised names in e-tail but that is all in the past. Since its IPO at 193p in April of last year it has all been downhill and at 62.5p the shares now have just another 62.5p to lose. This is a zero in waiting and in a multi-part series starting today I shall explain why…


1087 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: 3 dogs and an arse

In today’s podcast I look in detail at Deepverge (DVRG) whose CEO Gerry Brandon is a 100% arse and whose most recent RNS is utterly deceptiive. I also look in detail at musicMagpie (MMAG) where a placing will be messy but is a slam dunk cert if the Fat Lady is not to make an appearance and at Cineworld (CINE) which remains a slam dunk short. 


1104 days ago

Tom Winnifrith Bearcast: Luke Johnson and the upper class twit of the year

I start with a look at 5 duff IPOs and the questions folks did not ask: Peel Hunt (PEEL), musicMagpie (MMAG), Nightcap (NGHT), Parlsey Box (MEAL) and THG (THG). Then onto Russian stocks crashing and Eurasia Mining (EUA) delaying its own downfall but only pro tem. Finally a look at Marechale Capital (MAC) backed by my friend Luke but run by the Upper Clas twit of the year. What is Luke thinking of? I run through hard numbers.


1104 days ago

musicMagpie – another 2021 example of IPO greed and institutional stupidity...and the pain is only just starting

Last April 15 musicMagpie (MMAG) joined the AIM sewer at 193p. Today, after publishing its first annual results, a tale of disguised cashburn and a deteriorating outlook the shares trade at just 112p.This is another example of the greed and stupidity of the 2021 IPO bull market. This time it is Peel Hunt which should hang its head in shame.

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