12 March 16
…to open up that discussion you are a sexist or a racist or both. So there is no debate. The left just …
10 March 16
1 March 16
…Trump were identikits as they were both "explicit racists". Hmmmmm so is Trump all about race? According … to Donna he has "built his entire campaign" on racist claims about Mexicans. Little Evan Davis did not … He is rich so must be evil. And he is aa racist and we all hate him so who shall we compare him …
29 February 16
…not worthy and have only won becuase you are all racists. None the less I am glad that you have jetted in … woman nominated as best actor? You are not only racists you are all sexists too. And though only 5% of …
24 February 16
…hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is. Two days before the Nevada … world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him. Now the Nevada results … 29% and Cruz 18% which means that the supposed racist scored as well among hispanics as among white … hispanics than he is by whites. Maybe he is half racist? Kylie can you explain? Of course Kylie boasts … brown folks who think Republicans generally are racist and so are default Democrats. The reality is that …
10 October 15
…and treats migrant workers in an overtly racist way, as slaves with no rights. Yet David Cameron …
29 January 15
…game which is I am sure now banned for being both racist and also a clear breach of Health and Safety …
17 January 15
…way for the Saudi's are nothing if not utterly racist. The Saudi regime is a monstrous, evil, backward …
15 January 15
…speech. If this coward wants to go post racist and defamatory comments (anonymously) there are … cretin can keep submitting untrue, defamatory and racist comments but he is mistaken if he thinks I shall …
13 August 14
…but such is the fear of PLCs of being branded racist and such is the media inspired anti-Israel … blackmailing PLCs with accusations of harbouring racists. I shall watch this case with interest and will …