
Why does the left hate free speech: Trump gagged again - The Donald must be delighted

12 March 16

…to open up that discussion you are a sexist or a racist or both. So there is no debate. The left just …


British Liberal media creams itself as proven Republican losers bash Trump but no-one else cares

10 March 16


I am warming to Donald Trump as the liberal media hatchet jobs accelerate - ref Newsnight

1 March 16

…Trump were identikits as they were both "explicit racists". Hmmmmm so is Trump all about race? According … to Donna he has "built his entire campaign" on racist claims about Mexicans. Little Evan Davis did not … He is rich so must be evil. And he is aa racist and we all hate him so who shall we compare him …


My Oscar Winning speech in full

29 February 16

…not worthy and have only won becuase you are all racists. None the less I am glad that you have jetted in … woman nominated as best actor? You are not only racists you are all sexists too. And though only 5% of …


Kylie Morris on C4 News: "racist" Trump & the Hispanics, a new low point for lefty British Media

24 February 16

…hitting a new low as she points out what a vile racist Donald Trump is. Two days before the Nevada … world, latinos shared her view that Trump was a racist and none were backing him. Now the Nevada results … 29% and Cruz 18% which means that the supposed racist scored as well among hispanics as among white … hispanics than he is by whites. Maybe he is half racist? Kylie can you explain? Of course Kylie boasts … brown folks who think Republicans generally are racist and so are default Democrats. The reality is that …


Weekly Postcard #126 - Britain has blood on its hands for the way we support Saudi Arabia

10 October 15

…and treats migrant workers in an overtly racist way, as slaves with no rights. Yet David Cameron …


Childhood memories of snow at school – what a bunch of Jessies we are today

29 January 15

…game which is I am sure now banned for being both racist and also a clear breach of Health and Safety …


Imagine if Israel beheaded a woman at the Wailing Wall?

17 January 15

…way for the Saudi's are nothing if not utterly racist. The Saudi regime is a monstrous, evil, backward …


Am I a dirty jippo (sic)? Free speech explained to a bigot

15 January 15

…speech.  If this coward wants to go post racist and defamatory comments (anonymously) there are … cretin can keep submitting untrue, defamatory and racist comments but he is mistaken if he thinks I shall …


Hamas supporters in UK try to get pro-Israel tweeter fired by blackmailing employer

13 August 14

…but such is the fear of PLCs of being branded racist and such is the media inspired anti-Israel … blackmailing PLCs with accusations of harbouring racists. I shall watch this case with interest and will …

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