
Revisiting water levels at Lake Vyrnwy: an inconvenient truth for the global warming cultists

30 days ago

…somewhat obsessed and have covered water level at Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, many times since it became … of reservoirs losing water. The posterboy was lake Vyrnwy, a Welsh reservoir created in the 1880s which …


Photo Article: Lake Vyrnwy yesterday - spot the drought!

279 days ago


The global warming myth from Lake Vyrnwy – will the MSM GroupThink apologise now?

531 days ago

…that last August the Mainstream Media flocked to Lake Vyrnwy, here in North Wales, to show an old village …


Back to Lake Vyrnwy, the parched Welsh lakes & The Guardian warning of dried out rivers – anyone guess the latest data?

557 days ago

…in August of last year the sight of a parched Lake Vyrnwy in the hills about an hour from where I live was …


After two nights of global warming falling here in Wales – the latest reservoir data is out and exposes the cultists yet again

629 days ago

…In August 2022 they seized on images of a dry Lake Vyrnwy up in the hills above us and told us all that we … North East Wales, the reservoirs of the Dee and Lake Vyrnwy are lumped in together and the water stock rose …


Another week of rain here in Wales and in the North West of England for the global warming nutters to ignore: new reservoir data in

636 days ago

…GroupThink insisted that August resevor levels at Lake Vyrnwy about an hour from me here in Wales, were a sign …


Tom Winnifrith Photo podcast: Lake Vyrnwy and the GroupThink myth of global warming here in Wales

639 days ago

…In August 2022 Lake Vyrnwy, about an hour from where I live in Wales, was … Media will report it. ShareProphets · Lake Vyrnwy and the GroupThink myth of global waring here in …


Think back to July and August and those parched Welsh lakes like Vyrnwy – where are the media & the cultists now?

686 days ago

…of reservoirs losing water. The posterboy was lake Vyrnwy, a Welsh reservoir created in the 1880s which … warming had not yet been invented. So how is lake Vyrnwy doing now? Oddly, just three months on, the press …

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