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Farewell Rivington Street but not

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 13 June 2012

Yes I have quit Rivington Street Holdings as well. I no longer work for the company. Why? I refer to my earlier acid tests on what I do next. I hope that I have made clear that going forward I shall only work a) with people I like and respect, b) where I earn a decent wedge and c) where I enjoy what I am doing. There was no need for Rivington to make such an announcement as I had quit as a director and it had been announced 3 weeks ago but there you go. I wish the decent, hard working staff at Rivington all the best for the future.

Does this mean that I am leaving No. I have signed an agreement to write for it, do videos and help organise Master Investor, etc. There is a lot happening behind the scenes at t1ps – let’s see what happens and on that basis I am happy doing such work for t1ps.

But there are other things to do as well. I have just signed a contract to publish an e-book and am looking at a number of other interesting opportunities in the writing and consultancy area. It may well be that I throw myself 100% back into t1ps if all the acid tests are passed. We shall see.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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