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Kate & Gerry McCann – my sympathy is diminishing rapidly

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 3 November 2013

I have written before about the McCann parents. Losing a child must be an unimaginable horror but my sympathy was, even two weeks ago, greatly diminished by the way they had used funds raised to help in the search to silence their critics with legal threats and action and by their apparent  love of being on TV and more. As of this week I am afraid that my sympathy almost disappeared.

The Crimewatch special of ten days ago claimed to have big new evidence. I am not sure that it did but I was prepared to give it the benefit of the doubt. Whatever my private views on the chances of finding Maddy alive those who loved her must be allowed to cling to hope.

However it has since emerged that the new evidence actually emerged five years ago thanks to a report compiled by ex MI5 officers paid for by the Mccann’s foundation funded by members of the public (actually it is a limited company which is odd in itself) But the report was also critical of the McCann parents and their friends and so foundation money was used to suppress it with the threat of legal action. Is that really what Maddy well-wishers would have wanted?

It has only now emerged, with the trail five years colder, because the Old Bill have forced it into the public domain. They have done this to justify the millions of quid of public money being spent on this new enquiry, something that has only taken place because of lobbying by Kate & Gerry.

So when Kate McCann blubbers on our TV screens asking for us to help use this NEW evidence I cannot say that I am blubbering with her.

The affaire McCann has become an unpleasant and costly circus. It is time to draw a line.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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