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A quiz just for weather geek Zak Mir

Tom Winnifrith
Tuesday 23 October 2012

There was I sitting in the pub minding my own business when a bloke came up and invited me to take part in the pub quiz. Normally I am always up for a good quiz. But a) he looked like a total weirdo and b) he said that it was weather themed. I declined.

This would, however, be where my good friend Zak Mir would have been in his element. Okay there were a couple of “observation” rounds which seemed to me to be all about remembering swear words. And a music round which would I would storm through on anything 1975-1995 but bomb completely if it is post 1995 ( my music wilderness years).

But the main questions were on the weather. Zak Mir would know the hottest daytime temperature ever recorded in the UK ( 38.5 degrees) and where it was recorded ( somewhere in Kent, I have forgotten already). No-one else on this planet would.

When not producing charts for 58 different websites, including one that charges and stands under the umbrella, or murdering the English language as he tries to write prose, Zak is THE weather geek. This was a quiz made for you my friend. Me: I walked out after three rounds in which I would not have scored a single point. Writing the books is far more rewarding.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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