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Just knackered - but the reason I could never utterly quit journalism

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 9 August 2017

If you do not follow my financial writings you will not be aware of the Telit PLC scandal which I broke yesterday. This is a big high profile stockmarket listed company and what I revealed HERE was just amazing. Jaw dropping. The shares have duly crashed.

I have been wanting to expose Telit for years and have oft warned that it is an accident waiting to happen. I can now see no outcome other than 0p as I explained HERE. Since yesterday morning I have been on the phone on email chatting about this company almost non stop. I have served up nine articles and a podcast (as well as a few other articles on other matters). Ten pieces in thirty hours (with eight hours off for sleep and another four for Joshua care) is pretty good going. I am utterly drained.

Telit could call in the receivers this afternoon and I think I'd struggle to write. Thankfully while that will be the end game I don't think it will happen today so I can wind down and watch an old Inspector Morse with my three legged cat Oakley. But episodes like this are why i write. Even the Mrs got caught up in the excitement and brought supper to my desk last night so I could crack on. This sort of episode she now understands. It is a GOTCHA moment.

Of course the praise is quite pleasant too. Tweets like the one below from a chap called Steve, as well as emails have been flooding in. The Israeli press has been in contact as this is as Israeli run outfit.

Gotta hand it to @TomWinnifrith. For all his foibles he is second to none at finding AIM frauds and dodgy practice. 👏
Positive recognition of your work is always pleasing. But I can live without that. What really gives me a kick is the internal buzz you get from exposing someone then turning the screw with some jokes and hard follow up pieces. It is going for the kill and knowing you are on the side of right.

Hopefully the past 24 hours reduce my gaping deficit with St Peter but even if it does not it has been such fun. And I earn money for having that fun. Why would I ever quit such a job?

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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