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A true hero Peter Tatchell absolutely owns his fellows lefties on sexual harassment

Tom Winnifrith
Friday 29 December 2017

If there is one man who deserves a New Year's honour in 2018 it is the veteran LGBT and free speech campaigner Peter Tatchell. He will not be on a list packed with airhead celebs, sporting cheats, party donors and professional arse-lickers to the establishment. For, like me, Tatch is a Republican and so has refused honours for that reason and because he, rightly, views the system as rotten and corrupt.

What makes Tatchell a national treasure is that he never feels bound to any party line. Thus he has been no platformed by snowflake students for his failure to toe the line on transgender issues. Who in their right mind could view Tatchell as a bigot yet he finds himself lumped in with the rest of us for saying it as it is.

And thus today he has tweeted to amongst others the half-witted Guardian big mouth Owen Jones, loathsome unfunny comedian Russel Brand and lefty singer Billy Bragg on the matter of sexual harassment.

Some commentators have expressed more outrage over a hand wrongly placed on a woman's knee than about the mass sexual abuse of working-class girls in Rotherham & elsewhere. Both abusive but double standards & middle class bias. @OwenJones84 @PennyRed @rustyrockets @billybragg

Spot on once again Mr Tatchell.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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