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The Harmonic Energy pump and dump moves up a gear – Do NOT be suckered

Tom Winnifrith
Thursday 20 December 2012

Last Friday one small website took money to send out a mailing about the “one stock you must buy before the new year.” Returns of 3,200% were mentioned. What the mailing mentioned only in very small print was that the mailing was paid for by a shareholder who is looking to sell shares in the market. What the mailing did not mention at all is that Harmonic (a US OTC Bulletin Board) stock also needs to raise cash as it has no money and in fact that its auditors had that day filed a statement saying that Harmonic may not be a going concern.

I had hoped that my piece would warn UK investors about this pump and dump and also deter any more list owners from taking money for promoting this filth to readers to whom they must surely feel some sense of moral obligation.

You can read my damning indictment of this company and its operation here.

I am sad to say that MoneyAM sent out the same mailing yesterday. I am sadder still that UK-Analyst (part of the group) sent out the same mailing today. That makes me very sad.

I make no comment about why they did this.

I merely beg you to ignore this mailing and not to buy shares in Harmonic under any circumstances.

I would also ask you to urgently pass this article on to anyone you know who does dabble in shares so that they might also be warned as to what is afoot.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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