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The Lionesses and another record crowd lie - what is the point of it all?

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 19 February 2023

The narrattive is that women’s soccer is getting massive crowds every week. It is, of course, a complete lie as I have demonstrated time and time again. At some point I will do a piece on the attendances at WSL side West Ham Ladies and how they show what a joke the economics of women’s football has become. The entire media class colludes with this lie, terrified of being branded as sexist. Today the England National Side, the Lionesses, beat Italy 2-1 in the Arnold Clark cup today at Coventry’s CBS Arena and then boasted of the attendance, a record for this ground. This is just so 1984.

I watched about four minutes of the game on the box but the standard was just so bad that I had to switch over to Peppa Pig which my daughter was keener on seeing. Frankly after those four minutes so was I. What was obvious was that there were huge swathes of empty blue seats around the ground where the seating capacity is….32,609. If there were only 500 empty seats there then I’m a Dutchman.

Moreover the cheapest seats at the game were £10 for adults and £5 for pensioners or U18s. And there was a second game afterwards (Belgium vs South Korea) and if you bought a ticket it entitled you to go to both games. So even by giving away tickets at the equivalent of £2.50 a game the Stadium was far from full. Folks who pay almost nothing for a seat will in many cases just decide to stay at home and watch it on the box.

But the Ministry of Truth speaks out and the mainstream media parrots the lie.  As the clock struck 13, the stadium was almost entirely full with a record crowd. If the lies about attendances are repeated often enough, it is assumed nobody will dare to challenge them.


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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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