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Just how anti-democratic are the US Democrats: banana republic behaviour in Wisconsin and Michigan

Tom Winnifrith
Wednesday 28 August 2024

Last Friday Robert Kennedy junior, RFK, said that in ten battleground states he was withdrawing his candidacy for President and urged his supporters to back Donald Trump. In British terms this is like a Kinnock urging folks to vote Tory. The son of Bobby Kennedy, the nephew of JFK is backing not just a Republican but Trump. I discussed HERE how this really can make a difference and makes a Trump win all the more likely. But the Democrats are cheats.

In two of those ten swing states, Democrat law makers have moved to block the withdrawal, they are keeping RFK’s name on the ballot. Just as the same Democrats are fighting to keep the names of Jill Stein (Green) and Cornell West (BLM/lunatic) OFF the ballot paper in many swing states. The Dems do not want RFK votes going to Trump and they do not want Democrats unhappy about Gaza having a way to say so and vote for West or Stein rather than holding their nose and voting Dem through gritted teeth.

Incidentally, West has now said that the Harris campaign offered him money and a job if he withdrew and backed her. Is that really very Democratic?

The Democrat party should be sued under Trades description laws. These are the antics of folks in a banana republic not a party that actually believes in democracy. They are the sort of actions that pushed RFK and also now Tulsi Gabbard, a 2020 Democrat Presidential primary contender, into the embrace of Donald Trump and the GOP. And the Democrats have the nerve to say that Trump is a threat to democracy when they behave in this way.  This is just unbelievable.

What is happening in Michigan and Wisconsin is such an outrage that more decent, centrist, old fashioned Democrats will surely follow RFK and the saintly Tulsi and jump ship. The antics of the Democrats smack of desperation and make me think that their internal polling, is like that recent Michigan poll should do, causing them real concerns.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
[email protected]
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