Steve Moore and I worked together at ever since he left University. He is a very talented young analyst and a man of utter principle which is why he quit t1ps. He is now working with my on my Nifty Fifty websital but also writing off his own bat and I am keen to support that. Apart from anything else he talks a lot of sense. As such I bring you a piece he has published on NCC Group. Steve writes…
NCC Group (NCC) is a fully-listed, international, information security company. It provides its services from two divisions – ‘Escrow’ (acting as an independent party between a supplier and end-user, with NCC’s specialists meaning it is able to minimise the risks of the use of external software to the end-user whilst also protecting the intellectual property of the supplier) and ‘Assurance’ (IT testing, monitoring and compliance). Having fallen to little more than 45p at the market depths of early 2009, the shares recovered strongly to hit approaching 166p in October 2012. Currently trading at 142.5p – capitalising the company at approaching £296 million – following results for its six months ended 30th November 2012, the following reviews the current investment proposition here…
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