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New spectacles from India almost here! Excitement mounts.

Tom Winnifrith
Sunday 17 February 2013

Sometimes I wear contacts. Sometimes glasses. I do not really like contacts so being almost blind as a bat spectacles are my vision corrector of choice. But they are bloody expensive in the UK. And so a few years ago I hit upon a wheeze of getting my eyes tested in Bangalore, India. My sight is no worse now than it was then and so all I need to do is wait for my ex girlfriend to go home to visit her folks and I can get new glasses.

Sadly she has not been home for some months during which time my current pair have more or less disintegrated. I “wing” is now held on with a thick roll of sellotape but still fell off last night and I cannot seem to find it. So right now my glasses are perched on my nose ready to fall off at any moment – hopefully at a time when I am hammering my ten letter keyboard rather than cooking up a stunning Linguine Manx at The Real Man Pizza Company.
But salvation is here.

The ex is back from a trip on Monday and brings with her two new pairs of glasses which will together cost less than one pair bought anywhere in the UK. I can’t wait.

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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