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Looking back a year tomorrow as Malcolm Stacey joins us from Sharecrazy

Tom Winnifrith
Saturday 14 September 2013

A year ago tomorrow, the website I set up in my bedroom published a defamatory and malicious piece about me in the name of Steve Moore, James Faulkner and Richard Gill. Our connection was utterly severed and I found myself working alone in the world running just this, my personal blog. Boy has the world changed.

As you may know Steve Moore was on holiday when that piece appeared and when he discovered what had gone out in his name and without his consent or knowledge, he resigned on principle. Then there were two of us. Soon after Darren Atwater took a pay cut, quit and moved to join us. Then Lucian Miers followed suit. Then Robert Sutherland Smith. Paul Nicholson, from the Isle of Man has hooked up with us since. And tomorrow, a year to a day since that infamous episode Malcolm Stacey – the founder of joins our merry band with his debut piece on


In the space of one year we have turned a small personal blog and a loss making restaurant into a profitable restaurant plus 4 websites (this one – now with more than 7,000 registered users, The Nifty Fifty, and ). Two more websites will go live this Autumn.

In just one year www.UKInvestorShow has established itself as a profitable, credible must attend event. Already just under 50% of the stands at our April 5 2014 show are booked. Unlike some (mentioning no names) we do not just claim that as a statistic to impress we name those who have booked. We have real bookings AND NAME THEM TO PROVE IT!.

The Sefton episode has shown the bravery, integrity and judgement of those I choose to work with these days. Not just the established names mentioned above or well-known folks like Alpesh Patel and Clem Chambers but rising stars like Doc Holiday and Dan Levi who I have hooked up with over the past year and who I enjoy working with and vice versa. We are all having fun together and that is why shareprophets and the other websites we run are growing so fast.

Back at the old place one more website closed this month (UK350) and Sharecrazy – once a vibrant, active profitable operation has not seen articles filed for months. Its users have nearly all gone. That is why Malcolm Stacey, the founder of sharecrazy has today abandoned his “baby” and will now be writing a daily column for and also joining our all-star 2014 line up at

I did not need to offer Malcolm a pay rise to move. He wants to work with folks with experience whom he respects and on a site that is vibrant and growing fast.

In 12 months the list of ex t1ps folks who have moved over to the editorial team that, with Sefton has shown its flair, mettle judgement and integrity, has grown fast. Just to add to the pain round at the old place I will not name the others who are talking to me about switching but I should let you know that talks are ongoing.

I am delighted to be working with a legend like Malcolm once more. Over to Malcolm who today stated:

Over 13 years at Sharecrazy, the objectives of jargon-busting, not taking shares too seriously and still making oodles of cash for small investors were never diluted.

Now it’s time for me to move on to an exciting new website,, which promises to continue and grow the amazing ‘Sharecrazy spirit’ and whose growth in user numbers since its April launch has been explosive. That demonstrates the quality of its editorial content.

It’s a thrilling prospect for me because I’ll be writing alongside big names in Shareland –Steve Moore, Lucian Miers and Robert Sutherland Smith. Plus, the main writer is courageously out-spoken Tom Winnifrith, the walking encyclopaedia of share-issuing companies and possibly the most respected share-picker in the Square Mile.

That’s some incentive to move, as we say in the Punter’s Return.”

I am almost blushing. Cheers Malcolm. I am in your fan club too. It is time to rock and roll together once more. And you are right, it is an exciting time at Shareprophets

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About Tom Winnifrith
Tom Winnifrith is the editor of When he is not harvesting olives in Greece, he is (planning to) raise goats in Wales.
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